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Einsatzbericht Tansania
Schweizer Optiker

Thanks to generous donations from Swiss opticians, the Saint Lucy Foundation was able to receive numerous pairs of glasses that are already fulfilling a new, good purpose.

Neustes Projekt (englisch)

We are constantly working to raise funds for our ongoing project at the newly opened-clinic in Momella (Tanzania).

We are constantly working to raise funds for our ongoing project at the newly opened-clinic in Momella (Tanzania).

We are currently planning to expand the new clinic on a project-related basis and to in this way, to provide occasional support. This includes purchasing a robust means of transport to bring those in need from remote regions and Maasai villages to the clinic and back again. For these people, being provided with this transportation is the only way for them to receive treatment.

Your donation will allow you to make a contribution towards this meaningful purchase and to provide direct help in enabling destitute people to travel to get medical treatment. 

Tanzania 2021/22
mission report

The Saint Lucy Foundation team was able to mark the opening of the Amini Healing Clinic in Momella on 1 October 2022 with an unforgettable celebration. The people expressed the importance of this clinic in their own way.

The opening of the Amini Healing Clinic in Momella is a ray of hope for the entire region. It is important for the local population to be able to access medical and naturopathic services close to where they live. Along with Dr Cornelia Wallner-Frisee, who heads up operations at the Healing Clinic, the Tanzanian Minister of Health Dr Mollel, the motivated clinic staff and the entire Meru and Maasai community we were able to experience a uniquely beautiful celebration. The celebration honouring the commitment of Saint Lucy Foundation and the fact that it financed and made possible the entire construction of the clinic, including its infrastructure, lasted several hours. There was singing and dancing, school groups put on performances specially rehearsed for the occasion, a goat was even sacrificed for us as a tribute. We will remember the inauguration ceremony for years to come.


The project came about in cooperation with Dr Cornelia Wallner-Frisee, who has been driving forward and expanding the NGO Africa Amini Alama in Tanzania for twelve years. She gets things done in the field. In addition to setting up medical facilities, she was involved and in charge of setting up various educational and work facilities. She also arranged several sustainable water and food projects. Lastly, Dr Cornelia, as she is so affectionately called by her employees, has helped to provide security and love to the hardest-hit children by building and running an orphanage.


Thanks to her wealth of experience, our on-site contact, Dr Cornelia Wallner-Frisee, quickly realised how important it is to identify diseases at an early stage. On the basis of this, an individual, needs-based and comprehensive treatment option is the goal of the new clinic. This is made possible by combining conventional medical care with existing, traditional, naturopathic therapies. These treatments are offered free of charge to families with limited financial resources. A family that does not have the means to support themselves will have to wait a long time before they are able to pay for hospital treatment. Free access to good medical care is the only solution to saving lives and helping people stay healthy. This was motivation enough for the Saint Lucy Foundation to fund the medical infrastructure required for this in full.

The activities of the clinic staff also include outreach to the remote Maasai villages, where people are offered free eye exams and urgently needed food is distributed. Each person examined who has obvious health problems is provided with an appropriate means of transport to get to the clinic for treatment. We have found out, however, that this offer will only be accepted if people have enough food. Food is not just a prerequisite for survival, it also serves other basic psychological and social needs. It is, therefore, the duty of the Saint Lucy Foundation to provide assistance with food shortages in addition to medical support. By making a donation you can also provide generous support for this initiative.

TV report on the opening ceremony

The opening ceremony was also covered by the media. Global TV Online reported with a video of the clinic’s opening ceremony on 1 October 2022.

Sabina Seth Nassary

Sabina Seth Nassary


‘I have worked in many medical institutions but this clinic is very special. The work environment is awesome, every team member is very courteous and helpful, everyone pulls together and works together. I love my job more than anything and am so thankful to have a place of work so close to home. It allows me to see my five-year-old son every day. Anyone can come to this clinic and be treated on the same day – even those who cannot afford it.’

Johanna Auer

Johanna Auer

Cultural and social anthropology student

‘I actually came to the clinic in Momella for a nine-week research project on healing for my master’s thesis but, like everyone else who visits this place and gets involved, I, too, without realising it, started my own small healing journey and have witnessed so many other journeys. In doing so, I realised that healing consists of so much more than just remedies and therapies. A team that welcomes you with a smile the moment you walk through their door, listens to you, gives you faith, hope and confidence, and is still thinking of you when you’re on your way home.’

Christina Christopher Mlemeta

Christina Christopher Mlemeta


‘Although Momella is very remote, I prefer working here in this beautiful clinic to working in the city as I did previously. There is a good working environment here and I can work fully independently and flexibly. I also like the harmonious, strong team spirit – everyone works side by side and loves what they do.’

Lucas Remtulah

Lucas Remtulah

Momella resident

‘I’m almost at a loss for words when I talk about the clinic. It’s an incredible gift! The clinic is helping so many people in this region to get healthy, particularly those who would never be able to afford treatment. We also treat serious diseases such as cancer and tropical and infectious diseases. Patients are also taught how to protect themselves from diseases. The clinic not only brings a lot of life to this region but to the whole country.’


Malaki Saiyoloi Nnko

Momella resident

‘The Saint Lucy Foundation Clinic offers ophthalmology, general medicine and physical therapy. Previously, we had to travel to the remote KCMC hospital in Moshi for these treatments. It often took up to ten days before seeing a doctor there for the first time. You had to pay for your own accommodation and meals. Almost nobody can afford it, which is why hardly anyone sought treatment. Thanks to the new clinic in the Maasai territory, everyone can now receive the highest standard of medical care without long waiting times. We are eternally grateful to the Saint Lucy Foundation for this.’

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