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Über uns

Passionate and dedicated

The Board of Trustees of the Saint Lucy Foundation consists of the married couple, Chantal and Adrian Herzog, and Dr (lic. iur.) Kathrin Amstutz. They are supported in medical matters by the experienced couple Dr Martina Knecht-Bösch and Dr Pascal Knecht-Bösch.

Members of the Board of Trustees

Adrian Herzog (e)

Adrian Herzog

‘Outside of my work for the Saint Lucy Foundation, my everyday work involves dealing with finances for upscale clientele. Despite the fact that I find this role completely satisfying , I have long harboured a wish to get involved in social and philanthropic activities and to give those in need the chance of a happier existence. I can fully fulfil this wish by putting all my creative energy into the Saint Lucy Foundation. I am responsible for project evaluations, fundraising and contacting authorities and sponsors. I find the experiences working with the foundation to be extremely profound and moving.’

Chantal Herzog (e)

Chantal Herzog

‘I am fully committed to the Saint Lucy Foundation with all my heart and soul, and manage to balance it with my daily life. I am responsible for all administrative matters and for all correspondence and coordination. Here in Switzerland, we enjoy an extremely privileged life, which makes my desire to make a contribution to people in need all the stronger. The gratitude shown by people at the locations always motivates me to get going with the next project. The Saint Lucy Foundation is also a real family project. In addition to my husband Adrian, my brother Pascal and my sister-in-law Martina are also involved in the foundation.’

Medical Directors

PD Dr. med. Pascal Knecht-Bösch

PD Dr. med. Pascal Knecht-Bösch

Manager and owner of Augenklinik Wettingen (Wettingen Eye Clinic), Chirurgie Wettingen (Wettingen Surgery), Augenklinik Baden (Baden Eye Clinic) and Augenpraxis Etzelmatt (Etzelmatt Eye Practice)

‘The inexpressible gratitude and warmth of our patients fills me with great satisfaction and, despite my considerable commitment  here in Switzerland, this motivates me to work for the Saint Lucy Foundation again and again. I’m already looking forward to my next assignment in the field.’

PD Dr. med. Martina Knecht-Bösch

PD Dr. med. Martina Knecht-Bösch

Manager and owner of Augenklinik Wettingen (Wettingen Eye Clinic), Chirurgie Wettingen (Wettingen Surgery), Augenklinik Baden (Baden Eye Clinic) and Augenpraxis Etzelmatt (Etzelmatt Eye Practice)

‘Unlike in Switzerland, thanks to our ophthalmological expertise, we are able to restore the quality of life of entire families in these vulnerable regions because the blindness of a single member affects the whole family. I am proud to work as an ophthalmologist for the Saint Lucy Foundation and I pass this enthusiasm on to younger colleagues in Switzerland.’

Team impressions

Begehbarer Kleiderschrank AnkleideBrunnenbohrungenEinbauschrank nach MassErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenErdsondenbohrungen, Brunnenbohrungen, FrostschutzeinspülungFiLine - OnlineshopFrostschutzeinspülungGunzwiler DestillateHolzbau WohnungsbauLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMauchle PoolMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungNilfisk BodenreinigungsgeräteNilfisk HochdruckreinigerNilfisk SaugerPermanent Make Up - Augen PhotovoltaikanlageTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungTherapiebeckenUnternehmenskommunikation VerpackungsdesignWAB ZentralschweizWebdesignWerbeagentur für Digital und BrandingWinkelplatten